The Same Old Easter Message

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears” – Nelson Mandela I’m that kind of a believer. A believer who questions the reality. A believer who asks God questions, a believer who is skeptical about the ways of mankind. I’m the kind of a believer who asked myself, the importance of memorised prayers and …

If I Suffer, it’s my Mistake but If I do Better, it’s because of your Prayers?

We all have been stomped by people when we were suffering, who called us conveniently ‘sinners’. But once your life improves and you flourish, they say, it’s because of their prayers. I do not intend to underestimate the power of prayer, especially praying for others. But prayer is an act of love.

The Blank Slate – Terror of Starting Over!

‘Manzil Milegi, bhatak kar hi sahi; Gumaraha to wo hain, jo gar se nikle hi nahin’ – Mirza Ghalib “Destination will be reached, even after straying off, lost are those who never left home” (Translation) I resign! As she storms off from her boss’s office, Elisa walks out with a gleam of hope. She never …

The Guilty Christian: Do you Hate me God?

For God Hath Not Given Us the Spirit of Fear; But of Power and of Love and of a Sound Mind – 2 Timothy 1:7 I grew up in a Catholic household where we start and end our day with the sign of the cross i.e., in the name of the father and of the …

Distressed Generation: Am I trapped in a Rat Race?

“Simple Pleasures: Sit Outdoors and Listen. Really Listen” – Anya Raazka, Photographer Most of us toil at our 9 to 5 jobs and come home to slumber in our cozy bed scrolling through our social media until we doze off. We were the people who dreamn’t about travelling the world, pursuing our hobbies and narrating …

The Unspoken Rag Doll

As she grew up, she had been becoming quieter and duller. When she returns from school, I find herself crying in the corner and in fear most of the time.

Are you falling in love or falling with the idea of love?

Many young adults today stumble at the idea of new relationship with fear of being hurt, rejected, lonely and worthless. They are unsure of what to expect in relationships and are willing to settle for anything that gives them the bare minimum.

No Strings Attached – Self-Sabotaging In Relationships

Situationships and no strings attached is quiet a pain for many who are looking for a meaningful connection. It also means, we choose relationships in a way that is comfortable for us.

A Child Trapped in an Adult Body

I can’t feel myself quiet well. Who am I? What I like? I’m not sure who I belong to? I’m not sure if I’m happy or living a life of lies. These were my thoughts during the past few weeks. Recently I had came across quiet an interesting book by Alice Miller, ‘the drama of …

Wounded Healers

Greetings People, I believe many of us are in a profession where we are expected to help people whether we are physically and mentally well or not. Definitely we are paid for it but we know we have gone extra miles to help some people in need even when no one has rewarded you. Sometimes …