The Resilience Diary : Part 1

The Contraindication of Self-Pity “The most despicable form of cowardice is self-pity” – Marcus Aurelius Hello People, It’s a pleasure to write an article during the season of love. As we celebrated Valentine’s day this month, there have been hints of loneliness in people who detest their singleness this year. Anyways, we are celebrating love …

Embracing the New Normal: “The Uncertainty”

Hello People, Happy New Year to all. How have you been? I understand that I had ghosted most of you and didn’t greet you for Christmas. My apologies if I had kept you waiting. I had been facing life and decided to strive so my energies were diverted to surviving. I was trying to be …

Let’s Get the Basics Right!

PART 1 – SLEEP Hello People, Here we are nearing the end of 2021 as we are finishing 2 years through the pandemic. It was a historic journey the world witnessed yet we all adapted whether we liked it or not. We grew to like the pandemic and embrace the change it brought in our …

I am Altruistic; Hence Scared to Say NO!

Hello People, We live in a world where there are people who are helping someone in the road selflessly, on the other hand someone inflicting pain on a fellow colleague for personal satisfaction. Some people see themselves as superior than others while some feel their superiority is meant to be used to help others feel …

Unintended Trauma and Invalidated Self

Trauma does not have to occur by abuse alone – Dr. Asa Don Brown Hello People, Its been a long time since I spoke to you all through my piece. I have been on and off shifting between good and bad days which lead me to take a break from writing for a while. I’m …

Monster in my Head – Part 2

“For my part, I prefer my heart to be broken; It is so lovely, dawn-kaleidoscopic within the crack” – D.M Lawrence Hey Love, I promised you’ll that I will tell my love story and I’m happy that most of you have decided to come again. Thanks for waiting! ‘LOVE’ is an overestimated word isn’t it. …

Monster in my Head – Part 1

“He tried to sleep, but his head was filled with faces of lunatics, their palsied hands, their shattered eyes” – Sebastian Faulks, Human traces CAUTION: The term ‘Depression’ used is not synonymous to the ‘Clinical Depression’ which is clinically diagnosed by a mental health practitioner. In this article, it is used to define ‘feeling of …

Finding meaning within yourself; Ending Co-dependency in Relationships

Hey Love, Hope you are doing well. I have written this piece to reflect on the inter-generational patterns we carry around in relationships which is unhealthy yet comforting. Why do we stick to doing something that might hurt our peace? Why do we feel the need to nurture others to an extent where you discount …